Kurkuma Iced Latte Das Trendgetränk Kurkuma Iced Latte ist eine tolle, verträgliche Alternative zum Eiskaffee oder Eiskakao. Zum einen liefert das Kurkuma den entzündungshemmenden Wirkstoff Kurkumin, zum anderen fördert das enthaltene Yacon Sirup die Darmgesundheit....
Pesto-Kartoffelstampf mit pochiertem Ei Kartoffelstampf ist ein wahrer Retter im Schub – egal ob CED, Reizdarm, Rheuma, Gastritis, Neurodermitis oder Psoriasis. In der Regel wird Kartoffelstampf sehr gut vertragen und enthält so viele tolle Nährstoffe wie...
Saftiges, glutenfreies Körnerbrot Saftig und glutenfrei? Hört sich noch sehr unvorstellbar für dich an? Dann zeige ich dir mit diesem Rezept “saftiges, glutenfreies Körnernbrot” das Gegenteil. Seien wir ehrlich: Normalerweise sind glutenfreie relativ...
Bauchfreundliche Chia Marmelade Wer mich und meine Arbeit kennt, weiß, wie gerne ich schnelle und einfache Rezepte liebe. Deshalb möchte ich meine Sammlung um ein weiteres Goldstück aus meinem Alltag mit dir teilen. Es ist vermutlich nichts Neues oder gar...
5-Zutaten-Zimtkugeln Dich plagt Heißhunger auf Süßes, aber du merkst einfach, dass dir dieses zuckerhaltige Fertigzeug nicht gut tut? Dass dein Bauch danach immer wieder grummelt und du vermehrt Darmbeschwerden hast? Dann habe ich eine tolle Inspiration für einen...
Mango-Chai-Pudding This breakfast idea combines all my favorite components: chai tea and mango! The chai tea and it’s spices give the pudding a sweet taste, so it’s even great without any without sugar. The ripe mango gives the pudding a fruity note. A...
Vegan strawberry-shake with chia seeds Yay, it’s strawberry season! Do you like strawberries as much as I do? I prefer to go to a strawberry field and pick it myself. It’s a nice feeling to harvest something. If I ever have my own garden, I will definitely...
Vegetarian Moussaka On Monday I inspired my loved ones with this recipe and I hope, I inspire you too. The vegetarian Moussaka also perfectly fits with my current anti-inflammatory nutritional series. Why? The recipe contains a lot of vegetables and fiber. You will...
Sugarfree orange-cinnamon-granola Sugar plays a central role in the anti-inflammatory diet. But how can I easily eat sugar reduced? Many half-truths are circulating around this topic on the internet. In this post I will show you, what really matters and top it with a...
Quinoa porridge with warm berries Porridge is one of the most favorite breakfasts. But every now and then it is nice to have some variety. The pseudo-grain quinoa is also ideal for cooking porridge. Quinoa is also characterized by the fact that it is gluten-free and...
Cucumber-radish-salmon bowl Inflammation is like a dormant seat of fire that can be affected by nutrition and other environmental factors. Therefore, I would like to explain more about the topic in the next months and show easy recipes. Because often you read many and...
Chili sin carne with quinoa I love simple and fast recipes! Did I mention this before? Just throw everything in a large pot, let it bubble and finish. Put into cans, freeze a part and always have something healthy on hand. So easy and great is this recipe –...
Rhubarb-vanilla-muffins with crumbles Rhubarb awakens childhood memories. My grandma has always planted it in their garden, harvested at the given time and made a delicious cake with sweet crumbles. As soon as it was done, we threw ourselves kids over it and ate a...
Thyme hummus soup with feta crumbles Who does not know hummus?! Hummus is an oriental specialty made from a few ingredients. These include chickpeas, tahini paste, olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice and spices. Hummus is often served with falafel or vegetables...
Turmeric rice with coconut halloumi Turmeric rice with coconut halloumi does not just sound like a heavenly meal. It’s also a well-balanced meal with valuable nutrients that will whip up any stressed belly. Turmeric, coconut, halloumi and rice soothe your...
Homemade Ginger Syrup Meanwhile I drink ginger tea every day. Whether in combination with lemon grass, lemon or mint – it always gives me a portion of wellness for the soul and warms from the inside. So I was able to come through the winter time healthy and was...
Carrot-Cake-Donuts One of the things I took with me from England is the unconditional love for black tea with milk, blueberry porridge and carrot cake! Carrot cake is very popular in England and quiet rightly, because it is an all-rounder. It fits every season and...
Taiwanese Beef-Noodle-Soup When I visited my parents in New York, we were at Chelsea Market, which enchanted me incredibly. It was Halloween time and the entire hall was decorated with various figures – yes, the Americans can do that! While a swing with a creepy...
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